Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity.
Download from:
1. | Extract the contents of the zip file to any folder. |
2. | Ensure the applications you want to monitor are open. |
3. | Run the file called "Procmon.exe" |
4. | After a few seconds select the capture icon on the toolbar (3rd from the left) to pause monitoring. |
5. | Select the filter icon on the toolbar (6th from the left) |
6. | Select the 1st drop-down list and choose Process name then select the Outlook.exe process from the adjacent drop-down list. |
8. | Select the Apply button then OK |
9. | Clear the current list by selecting by selecting the clear icon (5th from the left) |
10. | From the Windows Notification Area (bottom right-hand corner of the screen) select the Mail Manager icon and choose "Show Dashboard..." |
11. | Select Diagnostics > Enable verbose reporting mode |
Start Monitoring:
13. | Select the capture icon on the toolbar (3rd from the left) to start monitoring |
15. | Soon after the issue has occurred select the capture icon on the toolbar (3rd from the left) to pause monitoring |
Send Process Monitor logs:
16. | To save the information select File > Save... |
17. | Under "Events to save" select "All events" |
18. | Under "Format" select "Native Process Monitor Format (PML)" |
19. | Choose a path to save the file and select OK. |
21. | The zipped file will still be very large, too big to email, so contact 28Hands for upload details of our secure transfer site. |
Compose diagnostics report email:
22. | Exit and restart Outlook - Outlook will now run in normal mode |
23. | From the Windows Notification Area (bottom right-hand corner of the screen) select the Mail Manager icon and choose "Show Dashboard..." |
24. | Select Diagnostics > Compose diagnostics report email... this will automatically create a new email containing diagnostics information |
25. | Send the email to |