Process Monitor

Process Monitor

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Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity.


Download from:



1.Extract the contents of the zip file to any folder.
2.Ensure the applications you want to monitor are open.
3.Run the file called "Procmon.exe"
4.After a few seconds select the capture icon on the toolbar (3rd from the left) to pause monitoring.
5.Select the filter icon on the toolbar (6th from the left)
6.Select the 1st drop-down list and choose Process name then select the Outlook.exe process from the adjacent drop-down list.
7.Select the Add button
8.Select the Apply button then OK
9.Clear the current list by selecting by selecting the clear icon (5th from the left)
10. From the Windows Notification Area (bottom right-hand corner of the screen) select the Mail Manager icon and choose "Show Dashboard..."
11. Select Diagnostics > Enable verbose reporting mode
12. Close Outlook


Start Monitoring:

13. Select the capture icon on the toolbar (3rd from the left) to start monitoring
14.Open Outlook
15. Soon after the issue has occurred select the capture icon on the toolbar (3rd from the left) to pause monitoring


Send Process Monitor logs:

16. To save the information select File > Save...
17. Under "Events to save" select "All events"
18. Under "Format" select "Native Process Monitor Format (PML)"
19. Choose a path to save the file and select OK.
20. Zip up the file.
21. The zipped file will still be very large, too big to email, so contact 28Hands for upload details of our secure transfer site.


Compose diagnostics report email:

22. Exit and restart Outlook - Outlook will now run in normal mode
23. From the Windows Notification Area (bottom right-hand corner of the screen) select the Mail Manager icon and choose "Show Dashboard..."
24. Select Diagnostics > Compose diagnostics report email... this will automatically create a new email containing diagnostics information
25. Send the email to