Implementation guide

Implementation guide

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The following steps provide a quick overview of how to implement Mail Manager throughout an office:


Review your email filing procedures
Review configuration options
Setup and deploy Mail Manager
Provide user training


Review your email filing procedures

Using Mail Manager, take the opportunity to optimise the process of filing emails, e.g.

Aim to reduce paper copies to a minimum, by encouraging the use of the powerful search tool
Automatically move filed emails to 'Filed Items' by default (Filing defaults)
Encourage the use of Mail Manager's Send a link after filing option rather than forwarding emails


Review Mail Managers configuration options

User preferences can be controlled via the MailManager.Preferences.exe (see Multiple PC installations, step 3)
The MailManager.Preferences.exe is used to set, lock and update User preferences. To aid adoption and make it as simple as possible for users to file their emails, don’t be too restrictive by locking everything down. You can always review the options and update users at any time by using a Share Configuration Folder.
The Collections.txt can be used to pre-populate user's Mail Manager with filing locations enabling rapid adoption.

We strongly advise NOT to edit the filename patterns as this may lead to duplicates being filed or different items being overwritten with the same file name.


Setup and deploy Mail Manager

Refer to Multiple PC installations


Provide user training

Typically training would be in a show-and-tell type format rather than formal classroom training.
Ensure that the basics are covered e.g.
How to add filing locations to a Collection file and how Collection files can be switched on and off.
File project-related emails to a single project folder and easily find them using the search tool
Explain that Mail Manager will learn where you file messages and suggest locations
When using the filing window use the “Location filter” to quickly reduce the number of locations
Explain how existing or multiple emails can be filed using the shift and/or control keys or using the "File All messages in Folder" option.
How to search for filed emails
Search single and multiple locations
Using the Refine pane e.g. Show emails between two people or companies that contain attachments this week.
Advanced queries  e.g. words like
Right-click options
By default the search tool will only search "Used" locations


Explain the use of the filing options
Send a link after filing
Saving attachments
Setting defaults via User preferences
Explain the main business benefits of using Mail Manager to your firm, e.g.
Emails are quickly and easily filed into project folders, improving compliance with QA procedures
Promptly filed emails aids team working, i.e. other users can quickly find filed emails
Increases the reliability of your mail server by reducing the storage load required
Laptop users not connected to the network can still file, search & preview their emails whilst offline