Recover lost collections

Recover lost collections

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Mail Manager includes a facility to rebuild collection files from an mmstores.db file.


This feature is used as follows:

1.Copy the following text to the clipboard: cd %LocalAppData%\Oasys\Mail Manager
2.Open a Windows command window e.g. Start > Run > cmd
3.Within the command window right-click and select Paste then press Enter e.g.



4.Copy the following text to the clipboard: "C:\Program Files\28Hands\Mail Manager\x86\MmDbUpgrade.exe" recovercollections
5.Within the command window right-click and select Paste then press Enter e.g.


The collections will have been recreated.
Note: If you get an error you may not have fully copied the text in bold, or you have an additional space at the start or end.

6.To open the folder to retrieve the recreated collections copy the following text to the clipboard: %LocalAppData%\Oasys\Mail Manager
7.Open Windows Explorer and paste the Paste path into the address bar e.g.



8.The retrieved collections will be prefixed with “_”. Move the Collections back to they original folder and remove the underscore from the filename



a)If two or more collections with the same name are found (e.g. from different folders), the locations will be merged into a single collection (unconfirmed/untested)