The following additional settings can be applied manually by opening the EmailFiling.cfg with Notepad:
Used to change the name and location of the "Filed Items" folder.
Note: The path is relative to the mailbox account.
Example: MoveAfterFilingFolder=Inbox\Filed messages
(Default value =Inbox\Filed Items)
Used to change the name of the folder that is discovered or created.
Example: SynergyEmailsFolderName=Emails
(Default value =02 Emails in / out)
Used to change the name of the folder that is discovered or created.
Example: TeamsEmailsFolderName=Emails
(Default value =Email Messages)
Used to create channel folders if they doesn't exist.
Example: CreateTeamsChannelFolder=1
(Default value =0)
Normally locations for Synergy are discovered automatically.
(Default value =0)
Normally locations for Viewpoint for Projects are discovered automatically.
(Default value =0)
Should only be used when the Mail Manager ribbon buttons are being disable after the PC has recovered from hibernation mode.
(Default value =0)
Will prevent users from adding or creating new collections.
(Default value =1)
Should only be used when metadata is not required during filing to SharePoint.
(Default value =1)
When applied the hardware rendering for WPF windows will not be used.
(Default value =1)
When applied the subject prefix "pending" and "Pending" are disabled during the filing process to reduce Outlook synchronization issues.
(Default value =0)
Used to avoid creating multiple versions of the same message when version history is enabled
(Default value =1)
Used to avoid creating multiple versions of the same message when version history is enabled
(Default value =0)
Number of characters used from the email subject in the filename
Example: SubjectTruncateLength=40
(Default value =40)
Used to prevent being prompted to file a message when the email address matches.
Example: FilingPromptSkipOnRecipientPattern="*"
Used to prevent being prompted to file a message when the email address matches.
Example: FilingPromptSkipOnRecipientPattern="*"
Used to pre-populate a user's empty index.
Example: IndexImportLocation=\\server01\Mail Manager\Mail Manager Config
Used to allow offline filing and searching with network folders that are auto discovered.
However if a user doesn't have access to ALL "Directory" levels, listed in AutoDiscoveryFileSystem.txt no locations will be discovered. In this case set the value to = 0
(Default value =1)
Used to enable the prompt to file window to appear when selecting another message in the Outlook list view.
Example: FilingPromptOnExplorerSelectionChange=1
(Default value =0)
Used to avoid Outlook sync issues i.e. the subject is not updated to [Filed...] after being filed.
Only applies to items that are NOT moved to Filed Items or Deleted items after filing
Example: EnableRecheckFilingStamp=0
(Default value =0)
Used to redirect the following filing and search Information:
Environment variables can be used e.g. %USERNAME%
Log information is not redirected
Example: Redirected_RootDirectory=\\server01\%USERNAME%\Mail Manager
Note: When applying the variable to the AdminEmailFiling.cfg it should be prefixed with # e.g.
#Redirected_RootDirectory=\\server01\%USERNAME%\Mail Manager
Used to reduce Exchange to Outlook synchronisation issues when Mail Manager updates the subject during the filing process.
Example: SubjectChangesAllowed=0
(Default value =1)