Index Exporter



The index export tool is used to create an index that can be imported by a new Mail Manager user, to considerably shortening the initial time taken to index their locations.

Note: The import process will only occur if there is no Index folder in the user's local profile.




In Use

How to export locations from an existing index:


1.    Identify a user that has a suitable index for exporting locations

2.    On the user's machine run the MailManager.IndexExporter.exe that can be found in the Mail Manager installation folder e.g.
C:\Program Files\Mail Manager\x64
%localappdata%\Mail Manager\Program Files\x64
The following window will appear:


3.    Select the required locations to export

4.    Browse to the folder where the exported index will be saved (only local and network folders are supported)

5.    From the ribbon select Export




How to configure the importing of an exported index:


1.    Using Notepad, open the file called: AdminEmailFiling.cfg found in the Create a shared configuration folder section

2.    Add the following text to a new line:

3.    Append the exported folder path e.g.
IndexImportLocation=\\server01\Mail Manager\Mail Manager Config

4.    Save and exit the file

5.    Open the Admin Preferences window and review the refresh and lock settings in all sections.

6.    Select OK



Only after the import has completed will the search window show any results.

Locations of unloaded collections will not be imported


To simulate a new user and import a new index delete the existing index i.e.

1.    Exit Outlook

2.    Delete (or rename) the Index folder located here: %LocalAppdata%\28hands\Mail Manager\Index

3.    Restart Outlook