Refine pane

Refine pane

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The refine pane provides multiple query fields to quickly refine your search.


1.Expand the refine pane by either double-clicking on the Refine bar or by selecting the expand button


2.Enter text into any of the query fields to refine your search.
Note: Text entered into the refine pane fields automatically include the * wildcard character at the end so you don't have to complete the whole word



Refine options



Search all or part of subject line


Search all or part of message body text


Email Address:

From, To & Cc

Search all or part of an email address that is displayed on the related line.


Search all messages sent and received between different email addresses
e.g. 28Hands and Microsoft or Alan and Duncan



Message Type:

Search for all types of message (default) or just messages, all calendar items, appointments, meeting requests and responses or message reports e.g. delivery read receipts.

Meeting Location:

When calendar items are included you can filter by the meeting location




Search for messages that do or do not contain file attachments


Search all or part of the attachment filename e.g. xls or draft




Search all or part of the message filename


Search for messages within a particular file size range


Search all or part of a comment, added using Mail Manager, via the main ribbon Label menu , filing options and Add or edit comment.
Note: Comments can be displayed in Outlook and Search