Setting up a "Golden Image"

Setting up a "Golden Image"

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Step 1

1.On the "Golden image" which already includes Outlook, install a "clean" (not pre-configured) version of Mail Manager.
2.Create a copy of the golden image
3.On the copied image open "C:\Program Files\Mail Manager\KeyManager.exe"
4.Enter your Key ID and password
5.Select Activate
6.Create a copy of this modified image for each Citrix server



1.Open several user desktops via the Citrix server
2.On each desktop open Outlook
3.The Mail Manager licence server should show just one activation and a separate session for each desktop, contact: to confirm.


Step 2

Add the path to the "Shared Configuration Folder" in the Windows registry on the golden image e.g.
Windows 64-Bit:
 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Oasys\Mail Manager]
 "Master Config Folder"="G:\Mail Manager Config"


Alternatively the registry key can be applied via Group Policy