Message Rename

Message Rename

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The Message Rename tool is used to rename messages using the received file name pattern defined by your User Preferences.

The tool will scan a folder and all its sub-folders renaming messages as needed.

Any duplicate messages are moved to a sub-folder called Duplicates, you can then delete them as required.


In Use

The Message Rename tool can be found in the Mail Manager installation folder e.g.
C:\Program Files\Mail Manager\Support
%localappdata%\Mail Manager\Program Files\Support

Open MessageRename.exe.

The Mail Manager Message Rename window will appear:



1.Browse to the root folder you want to start scanning from (sub-folders will be included)
2.Select Start
3.Select Open Log to view progress
4.When complete the time taken will appear, select OK
5.Close the Message Rename window
6.Review any message moved to Duplicates folder.


Possible reasons for duplicates:

Filed using different filename pattern

Different time zone settings