Additional EmailFiling.cfg settings

Additional EmailFiling.cfg settings

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The following additional settings can be applied manually by opening the EmailFiling.cfg with Notepad:


Change Filed Items Folder

Used to change the name and location of the "Filed Items" folder.

Note: The path is relative to the mailbox account.


Example: MoveAfterFilingFolder=Inbox\Filed messages

(Default value =Inbox\Filed Items)


Change Teams channel sub-folder name

Used to change the name of the folder that is discovered or created.


Example: TeamsEmailsFolderName=Emails

(Default value =Email Messages)


Enable respawning of MailManager.Startup.exe

Should only be used when the Mail Manager ribbon buttons are being disable after the PC has recovered from hibernation mode.



(Default value =0)


Disable adding or creating new collections

Will prevent users from adding or creating new collections.



(Default value =1)


Disable adding SharePoint metadata

Should only be used when metadata is not required during filing to SharePoint.



(Default value =1)


Disable hardware rendering

When applied the hardware rendering for WPF windows will not be used.



(Default value =0)


Disable pending stamp subject changes

When applied the subject prefix "pending" and "Pending" are disabled during the filing process to reduce Outlook synchronization issues.



(Default value =0)


Don't overwrite existing messages in SharePoint

Used to avoid creating multiple versions of the same message when version history is enabled



(Default value =0)


Filing Prompt to Exclude

Used to prevent being prompted to file a message when the email address matches.


Example: FilingPromptSkipOnRecipientPattern="*"


Filing Prompt to Exclude

Used to prevent being prompted to file a message when the email address matches.


Example: FilingPromptSkipOnRecipientPattern="*"


Pre-populate index

Used to pre-populate a user's empty index.


Example: IndexImportLocation=\\server01\Mail Manager\Mail Manager Config


Prompt to file received messages by selecting another message in the list

Used to enable the prompt to file window to appear when selecting another message in the Outlook list view.


Example: FilingPromptOnExplorerSelectionChange=1

(Default value =0)


Reapply Filed stamp after Outlook sync issue

Used to avoid Outlook sync issues i.e. the subject is not updated to [Filed...] after being filed.

Only applies to items that are NOT moved to Filed Items or Deleted items after filing


Example: EnableRecheckFilingStamp=0

(Default value =0)


Redirect Local Appdata files

Used to redirect the following filing and search Information:













Environment variables can be used e.g. %USERNAME%

Log information is not redirected


Example: Redirected_RootDirectory=\\server01\%USERNAME%\Mail Manager


Note: When applying the variable to the AdminEmailFiling.cfg it should be prefixed with # e.g.

#Redirected_RootDirectory=\\server01\%USERNAME%\Mail Manager


Update Subject e.g. [pending]

Used to reduce Exchange to Outlook synchronisation issues when Mail Manager updates the subject during the filing process.


Example: SubjectChangesAllowed=0

(Default value =1)